555 geladene Gäste stießen auf das 111-jährige Bestehen des traditionsreichen Filmstudios an
Berlin, 18. Februar 2023 – Gestern Abend hat Studio Babelsberg in Partnerschaft mit Cartier eine exklusive Party für die Filmbranche veranstaltet, um seinen 111. Geburtstag zu feiern. In Clärchens Ballhaus, einem der letzten erhaltenen Ballhäuser Berlins aus dem 20. Jahrhundert, würdigte die Veranstaltung sowohl die Künstlerinnen und Künstler vor der Kamera als auch die Kreativen hinter den Kulissen. Zu den Gästen gehörten Golshifteh Farahani, Thomas Kretschmann, Florence Kasumba, Baran bo Odar, Jantje Friese, Sibel Kekilli, Peri Baumeister, Clemens Schick, Tom Wlaschiha, Numan Acar, Anna-Maria Mühe, Karoline Schuch, Kida Khodr Ramadan, Detlev Buck, Lars Kraume, Christiane Paul, Sabin Tambrea, Alice Dwyer, Ludwig Trepte, Jannik Schümann, Max Befort, Jasmin Tabatabai, Andreas Pietschmann uvm.
Zwischen Cartier und dem Kino besteht eine starke, kreative und emotionale Verbindung: die eines Juweliers, dessen Schicksal seit Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts eng mit dem der Filmkunst verknüpft ist. Seit 2021 ist Cartier offizieller Partner der Internationalen Filmfestspiele von Venedig. In diesem Jahr feiert Cartier zum ersten Mal die Partnerschaft mit Studio Babelsberg während der Berlinale und würdigt damit die bestehenden Verbindungen der Maison zur Filmkunst.

Wim Wenders and Donata Wenders attend the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
Studio Babelsberg ist mit der Gründung im Jahr 1912 das älteste Großatelier-Filmstudio der Welt und die Wiege des deutschen Films. Heute zählt das Studio zu den führenden Standorten für die Herstellung von Kinofilm- und Serienproduktionen in Europa. Im Jahr 2023 begeht Studio Babelsberg sein 111-jähriges Jubiläum.
„Während Cartier seit fast 100 Jahren eine besondere Rolle in der Welt des Kinos spielt und für viele spektakuläre Auftritte auf der Leinwand sorgte, gilt unsere Leidenschaft heute dem Filmemachen und der Unterstützung der Filmschaffenden, die die Branche voranbringen. Wir freuen uns sehr über die Partnerschaft mit Studio Babelsberg, um auf der Berlinale sowohl etablierte als auch aufstrebende Filmtalente zu zelebrieren“, sagt Alexis de Laporte, Cartier Managing Director Northern Europe.
„Seit 111 Jahren heißt Studio Babelsberg Filmschaffende und Talente aus aller Welt willkommen und bietet ihnen einen Ort, an dem Freiheit und Kreativität an erster Stelle stehen. Wir sind stolz darauf, mit vielen deutschen und internationalen Freunden, die zum Erfolg des Studios beigetragen haben, einen weiteren Geburtstag zu feiern, und wir freuen uns auf neue, spannende Projekte“, ergänzt Charlie Woebcken, CEO von Studio Babelsberg.

Christoph Fisser (COO Studio Babelsberg), Bryan Adams and Alexis de Laporte (Managing Director Cartier Northern Europe) attend the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
Von Paris bis Hollywood ist die Geschichte von Cartier eng mit dem Kino verbunden. Bereits 1926 taucht Cartier in dem epischen Film Der Sohn des Scheichs auf, als der Schauspieler Rudolph Valentino den Regisseur davon überzeugte, seine Tank-Uhr auf der Leinwand tragen zu dürfen. Jean Cocteau wandte sich 1946 an Cartier, um Josette Day in Die Schöne und das Biest Diamantentränen weinen zu lassen, während Gloria Swanson 1950 in Boulevard der Dämmerung mit zwei spektakulären Armbändern aus Diamanten und Bergkristall die Leinwand zum Strahlen brachte. Grace Kelly trug den Ring, den Fürst Rainier ihr für ihren letzten Filmauftritt in Die oberen Zehntausend geschenkt hatte, und die mexikanische Schauspielerin María Félix sorgte mit ihrer legendären Krokodil-Halskette für Aufsehen.
Im Rahmen der Party wurden die Gäste von Cartier-Pagen empfangen. Regisseure Wim Wenders und Tom Tykwer zusammen mit seiner Ehefrau, der Produzentin Marie Steinmann, legten als DJs auf.
Studio Babelsberg AG
August-Bebel-Str. 26 – 53
14482 Potsdam
Photos by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg
© 2023 Studio Babelsberg AG
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Wim Wenders and Donata Wenders attend the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
Christoph Fisser (COO Studio Babelsberg), Bryan Adams und Alexis de Laporte (Managing Director Cartier Northern Europe), Photos by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: A general view of the venue at the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Veronica Ferres and Christoph Fisser (COO Studio Babelsberg) attend the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Sibel Kekilli attends the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gerald Matzka/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Alice Dwyer and Sabin Tambrea attend the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: A general view of the venue at the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: A general view at the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Katja Eichinger attends the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gerald Matzka/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Veronica Ferres attends the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gerald Matzka/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: A general view of the venue at the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Pheline Roggan attends the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Gina Stiebitz attends the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gerald Matzka/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Daniel Donskoy attends the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gerald Matzka/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Masha Tokareva and Vinzenz Kiefer attend the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: August Wittgenstein and Mia Wittgenstein attend the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Alexis de Laporte (Managing Director Cartier Northern Europe) and Florence Kasumba attend the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Nadine Warmuth and Ben Dahlhaus attend the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Eike Wolf and Christoph Fisser (COO Studio Babelsberg) attend the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gerald Matzka/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Aaron Hilmer attends the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Caro Cult attends the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Lilly Krug attends the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Ken Duken and Marisa Leonie Bach attend the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Julia Malik, Karoline Schuch and Katharina Schüttler attend the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Karoline Schuch attends the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Emilio Sakraya attends the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gerald Matzka/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Taneshia Abt attends the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gerald Matzka/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Caro Cult attends the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gerald Matzka/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Artjom Gilz, Peter Schulze and Theo Carow attend the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gerald Matzka/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Andreas Pietschmann attends the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gerald Matzka/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Pheline Roggan attends the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gerald Matzka/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Alice Dwyer and Sabin Tambrea attend the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gerald Matzka/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Aino Laberenz and Jerry Hoffmann attends the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gerald Matzka/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Golshifteh Farahani attends the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gerald Matzka/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)
BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 17: Luise Befort and Max Befort attend the Studio Babelsberg x Cartier Celebrates 111th Anniversary on the occasion of the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival at Claerchens Ballhaus on February 17, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gerald Matzka/Getty Images for Studio Babelsberg)